What We Do

Our current focus is this:

We give grants to young adults with cancer, age 20 – 39, who live in Indiana.  Our grants are to help with treatment-related travel expenses.  


For many patients and families, coping with cancer is only half the battle. Dealing with the financial burden of treatment can be as overwhelming as the illness itself. Too often, the financial burden of cancer treatment creates tremendous stress for patients and their families during a time that is already one of the most difficult they will ever experience.

Many patients need to travel a significant distance to access the best treatment, enroll in a trial or receive a transplant, and this is becoming more and more common. In addition to requiring a patient to relocate to receive treatment, there may also be a need for a family member to join the patient.  Emily Settle had this experience as she participated in clinical trials in both Seattle and San Francisco.  

Through The Emily Settle Fund, qualified patients can receive a $500 grant to pay for treatment-related transportation and/or lodging costs (e.g., parking; tolls; gas; plane, train, or bus tickets; hotels or temporary housing). Patients are eligible for a new grant every six month period. Patients can apply for the award by phone or online through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS.org). 

Applications are reviewed promptly and assistance is issued immediately upon approval, ensuring that patients receive relief as soon as possible. The award is distributed to patients on an LLS-branded credit card, which can be used to pay for approved travel and lodging expenses, including tolls, gas, parking, car rental, services, repairs and parts, air transportation, lodging and ambulance services. 

If you have questions about what we do, please contact our President:

Mike Settle, msettle@briljent.com.